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My background, qualifications
& methods

Meike Rottermann

My Background & Motivation - What Coaching is About for Me

Since 2017, I have been accompanying people on their path to greater awareness and potential development with investigative curiosity and human depth.


I see my task in helping people to experience themselves and others more consciously and therefore more freely and being in relationship like that: this creates a happy, joyful way of living, the ability to face reality and act effectively.


Change is possible through practice. For long I didn't know many of my own facets, my automatic reactions and behavior patterns. Always slipped into purely rational analysis. Increasing awareness will bring you forward on the path.


All of this helps to lead a fulfilling, joyful life and work. Here I can support you.

Also, I can accompany you in exploring the question of what overarching meaning your life should have.


Incorporated in my work is, my coaching experience since 2017, IOCB-certified coaching training, including in psychological approaches that work with the inner world, many years of mindfulness and Zen practice, as well as my own reflected life experience. A long time ago, but a good basis: in my studies of European Ethnology, I learned to look at Western Europeans, 'my own people' so to speak, through a systemic lense, and most of all with a beginner's mind.


I approach you with respect, empathy and the conviction that you have evident, tangible wisdom within you that can guide your practical actions in everyday life.


My coaching approach is based on a humanistic worldview and scientific principles.

Logo DBVC - Deutscher Bundesverband Coaching e.V., der Business Coaching-Verband
Logo Zürich Mainzer Laufbahnberatung (ZML)

I am deep and pragmatic. Warm-hearted and results-oriented. Infinitely curious. I am sensitive and, where necessary, direct. ​

My Qualifications

Professional Experience

  • Freelance coach and career advisor, individual and group coaching, mentoring groups, training (Max Planck Society coach & trainer pool)


  • Co-founder of JoyWorks Trainings with my colleague Dr. Nicola Bauer. Training for emotionally and socially intelligent management, team and career development


  • Participation in the establishment of a Career Center for young scientists in Munich, member of one of the world's largest research organizations. There career coach and trainer.


  • Experience in academic teaching, e-learning conception, as well as science communication and project management

Education & Training

Coaching Training "Psychology of Change. Emotional Intelligence in Coaching"

153 training hours, (IOBC- and DBVC-certified), ​Dietz Coaching, 2018


Zürich-Mainzer Career Advice Model (ZML)

150 training hours,  Fortbildungszentrum Laufbahnberatung, 2020


Theory U | Awareness-Based Systems Change Practitioner

u-school for Transformation by Presencing Institute, ongoing since 2024


Essence Coaching

Core Purpose Coaching, 80 training hours, Akademie für Coachs, 2022


MBTI Step 1 Certification

The Myers-Briggs Company, 2022


Embodied Teaching 

Integrating mindful awareness into training & coaching, Unified Mindfulness, ongoing since 2024


Diploma in Cultural Anthropologies

University of Vienna, 2016


Since 2021 Professional Supervision Group "In Good Hands in Times of Change" with Thomas Dietz (Dietz Coaching)


Mindfulness practices since 2008, Zen practice (meditation, philosophy, Zen flute) since 2019. Prof Yudo J. Seggelke & New York Insight Meditation Center

I accompany each client individually and without a prefabricated scheme, in a collaborative process.

Methods I work with

I am your individual companion. I flexibly integrate different approaches. This includes:


  • Resource and solution-oriented methods

  • Internal Family System according to Richard Schwartz

  • Strengths and values ​​orientation

  • Systemic questioning techniques and constellation work

  • Intuitive intelligence

  • Mindful concentration

  • Zurich Resource Model



I am in a binational relationship and live with my life partner in Munich and few months a year in New York City.


For me, getting to know local communities is one of the great joys of life, be it in the provinces or the big city. ​


I publish prose and poetry in literary magazines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. 

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